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Ulcerative colitis

Gareth P. Jevon (2010); GH, 6(3): 174–180
  • continuous, circumferential mucosal inflammation

  • diffuse erythema, edema, friability

  • disappearance of vascular pattern, grayish exudates, erosions, or shallow ulcers

  • rectal involvement

George Gershman (2012), “Practical pediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy”.

Lesion: Ulcerative colitis. Diffuse inflammation is typical for ulcerative colitis: erythema, exudates, loss of vascular pattern.


George Gershman (2012), "Practical pediatric gastroinntestinal endoscpoy"

Lesion: Rare case of “cecal patch” in a child with left -sided ulcerative colitis.

Yan Bakman, 2011: Gastroenterology Res, 4(2): 58-63

Lesion: Cecal patch

Montreal and Paris classification for pediatric ulcerative colitis

UCEIS for assessment of UC activity

Walsh A, et al. Gastrointest. Endoscopy Clin. N. Am. 2014; 24: 367-378
Mark Samaan, 2014, A systematic review of UC clinical trials.

Vascular pattern (1 – 3): (A) 1, (B) 2, and (C) 3; Bleeding (1 – 4): (D) 1, (E) 2, (F) 3, and (G) 4; Erosions and ulcerations (1 – 4): (H) 1, (I) 2, (J) 3, and (K) 4.

Four grades:

  • remission (0–1);

  • mild (2–4);

  • moderate (5–6);

  • severe (7–8).


•Multiple biopsies (2 or more per section) from rectum, sigmoid colon, descending colon, transverse colon, cecum, and ileum.




–Immunnomodulators, TNF-alpha blocking agents



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