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Juvenile polyp

Can J Gastroenterol. 2007 Apr; 21(4): 233–239.

Lesion: Two-year-old boy presenting with a ‘prolapsing mass’. Colonoscopy revealed an isolated juvenile polyp which was removed by snare polypectomy. Histology confirmed a juvenile polyp.

George Gershman (2012), “Practical pediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy”.

- Pedunculated juvenile polyp

- Treatment: polypectomy

- Large juvenile polyp in the descending colon

- Treatment: polypectomy.

George Gershman (2012), "Practical pediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy"


ESGE/ESPGHAN suggest removal of very small polyps (< 3mm) by cold biopsy forceps and 3–8mm polyps by hot or cold snaring. Cold snaring is advisable in the right colon where the perforation risk is higher. For polyps > 8 mm, hot snaring is suggested

Adenomatous polyps

  • Multiple adenomatous polyps identified at sigmoidoscopy in a 15-year-old boy being screened for familial adenomatous polyposis due to a maternal familial adenomatous polyposis history.

  • Treatment: polypectomy, surveillance every three years.


George Gershman (2012), “Practical pediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy”.
  • Multiple colon polyps in a 5 -year-old-boy with FAP

  • Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene.

Intestinal polyps: Endoscopic findings

Dr Federici, Dr Faraci and Dr Rea
Dr Federici, Dr Faraci, Dr Rea


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